Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weird reactions 2 or David VS Goliath

People are sometimes surprised at my sense of humour – I have lots of it, in every possible type and extent, and it can also appear in the most peculiar moments. I usually reply to their amazement by saying that if I didn't have such a sense of humour, I could probably ease the situations I find myself in only with a nice Smith & Wesson product…

Since my life has been totally overly monotonous and boring someone up there kindly decided to make it more interesting. This year has been absolutely wonderful (especially the last few months), so I got a nice finish to round it up, one that reminded me of the importances of 'coincidences' in my life. Živa and I decided to have a cartoon-watching sleepover to make the best out of the last few days of being home alone. We first agreed that Gregor and I would pick her up on our way home from the mall. But she said that would be too early, so we said I would pick her up when she is ready. Then she called and told me she would come by bus. So I wait and I wait, and she still doesn't come. Finally she calls to say that she's still waiting for the bus; since it was already past 9 pm I told her that I would come to get her. And I went – in a T-shirt, a light jumper and 10 year-old untied sneakers. When I came to the main street I saw a bus coming from her direction, so I pulled over and called her to check if she was on the bus or still waiting. She was waiting, so I started driving again and after 2 min come to the bus station where she was standing. I turned the right directional signal on(yes, that's the formal name of the blinker) and start turning right so that I would wait for Živa to come to the bus stop on this side of the road. However, while I was turning right I saw a bus driving behind me in the rear mirror. Since I couldn't stop so that I wouldn't obstruct the bus and since I know how much bus drivers love people stopping cars on bus stops, I looked ahead, saw the street was empty and turned the left blinker on so that I would make a U turn and stop the car on the bus stop where Živa was waiting. While I was turning the wheel, I looked over my left shoulder – and saw the bus going right at me without reducing its speed. We both turned into opposite directions, but a second later the quiet, empty street already resounded with a mighty Boom. My mom's poor Kia was thrusted right, I heard a loud crushing noise from the left – I assumed it was the sound of the bus running over something that was once attached to the Kia, and then all was quiet again. My first thought was to move the car to the right, but it wouldn't start. Then I thought of Živa and hoped she wouldn't run like a beheaded chicken, crossing the street and possibly getting run over as well. At last I remembered it might be a good idea to get out of the car to let everybody see I was ok (in the hopes that it was true) and check how's the bus doing. The girl on the bus stop was completely stiff and white as a ghost, Živa was running towards me with a face you can't imagine and and the bus driver was standing at the bus door, holding his head and cursing. It took me a while to convince them I was ok, the girl will probably avoid bus stops for the next few months and the bus driver calmed down when he saw there where no serious consequences on anybody. The reason for the collision was as moronic as it can be – as it was late at night I didn't think it was such a sin to make a U turn and I also wanted to get out of the bus's way as soon as possible. Since there was a person standing on the bus stop I didn't even consider the possibility of the bus not stopping – but it didn't, cause it was headed into the garage (that also means that fortunately the only one in the bus was the driver). All in all, an unfortunate sequence of events/coincidences that lead into a battle between the Kia and the bus; it's a tie, by the way /I hope that doesn't mean there's another battle to come…/

The Kia isn't that injured at all, the bumper fell unhinged on the left side and fell off without having a scratch and the left side is a bit bumped, but really nothing serious. In sum, a night that was planned to be calm and fun with cartoons and junk food developed into a night of freezing in my jumper at temperatures of minus something, waiting for the car tow to come and take the Kia away and for Gregor to take us home. Živa gave me a really weird look from time to time, so I asked what was wrong – she couldn't believe I was that calm, so I told her that it wouldn't be any better if I freaked out, so why do it. The driver was very glad to hear that; he was a really nice guy who tried to help me resolve the situation. In about an hour the car tow and Gregor finally came, so Živa and I could go home and watch Madagascar before falling into bed.

And once again I'm very glad that 2008 is almost over as it brings me more and more rounds of pure delight and I'm afraid I could soon overdose…

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