The last weekend in June we were supposed to go to the agility trial in Domžale, but we came only as spectators as Sambek apparently had some muscle soreness from all the activities that week. He didn't limp or anything, but I didn't want to expose him (even more), so we only cheered for our doggie friends. A week after that we were back in shape, so on Saturday we went to the agility trial in Ljubljana, whereas on Sunday we visited the summer festival in Rovte, a small village near Ljubljana, where we had a presentation of obedience, agility, frisbee and informed people about a responsible ownership of dogs. At the same time the world dogshow in Stockholm was held which our Swiss friends and roadtrip companions attended. Our cheering from home seems to have helped as both Klark and Leia were second in their class and also achieved some other very nice results on other shows they visited during this massive radtrip. Meanwhile, we stayed at home, wishing ans sighing….
I suppose nobody believed that one. We took walks, clicked, ran and had our fun, and on Saturday we went to Portorož to our only night-time agility trial. We had a great time and did a very nice job too, especially in the second run. The first run was very nice, except for the last but one obstacle. Fact is this combination was quite hard for speedy dogs as the temptation of the tunnel next to the distance jump was too big for many dogs, which went directly from the dogwalk into the tunnel and disqualified themselves. Many dogs, but not Sambo. Something like that would be much too normal for him, such a banal disqualification would be much beneath him. No, to catapult yourself directly from the (jumped over) contact into the tunnel, positioned 2m to the right of the end of the distance jump would be just too simple. Sambo really put an effort into it and jumped over the distance jump, made a sharp turn to the right and after a professional looping popped just about 5cm of his snout into the tunnel, only a little bit of it. So actually we were just a little bit disqualified. The second run was even nicer and this time flawless, so we really deserved the applause at the end. With this the first part of the season was concluded and it was time to do some summer relaxation.
Which in practice means that there are no trials or trainings, but we find another way to keep ourselves busy. Sambo apparently had a patriotic inspiration and took advantage of the reparation works of our club's obstacles and put on his national colours. He diligently glazed himself with yellow on his flank and ear and put some red onto his hind foot. Thus he transformed himself into his own flag and since there isn't any show in the near future he remains that way to this day. Gregor tried to clean him up a bit but he wasn't entirely successful…
The end of the month was more mine than Sambo's I admit, cause I started working (isn't exactly what I planned, but there aren't many jobs for 2-3 times per week and one has to earn money for dog kibble) and got also some translations, which of course require quite some time. that of course doesn't mean that Sambo was at home, dust accumulating on top of him. As always we went on walks and runs and also had did some hiking – we visited a beautiful waterfall near Kranj with our agility friend Katja and her two doggie friends and went to Kurešček with two buddies from the doggie forum. All in all, we weren't bored and I assume this won't change in August either… Until next time!
Expedition to the waterfall - Sambo, Tai and May
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