Saturday, April 26, 2008


A quick course or Evolution in a day. At the beginning there was

Homo sapiens. Today I watched the clips of Skinner and his pigeons for an inspiration before the agility training and an easier dealing with the eventual clumsiness of the students with the rewarding and marking the (good and bad) behaviours of their dogs. Skinner was a wise man.

Homo erectus. What can I do, even years of experience don't guarantee a correct functioning. Today I forgot that despite of my not exactly magnificent hight my head still reaches higher than the frame of the kennel door. I think that the stroke hurt even the neighbour that was crossing his backyard and waving hello...

Homo habilis. Ok, I can't hold it against them, after all - they're beginners, but I'd still like to know if there's a person that in the first few months of his or her agility training gets the direction of the turns right in at least 25% of the cases. I also admit them the aggravating circumstance that besides all the standard components (where's the dog, where are they, where's the obstacle, where are they heading) they also have to think about where's the mud patch where half of their classmates lost their fight with the laws of rotation and gravity and met the ground and the half that's left will face that soon. Anyhow, I have to admit that it's fun watching :), and I also know that they'll get better, we all know that practice makes perfect.

Homo moronis. I think that it happens with most people that their physical, cognitive and morally-social skills decrease towards the end of the day. But I still didn't expect such a decline from early in the morning to the evening. We went for a walk, 2 girls + 2 off leash dogs. We finished our round, chatted and ran around and for the end we got a special treat. Since I'm always on the lookout I sensed that there were two bikers approaching from behind. Both dogs were on the grass and the two of us were on the margin of the path, but we still called the dogs so that they wouldn't think of crossing the path right in the wrong moment. Subject A passes by, but subject B yells at us 'Two off leash dogs, and without a muzzle on them!' I answered, with a smile, that he doesn't have one either (and added in my mind that he could obviously use one more). Subject B, who was already past us, turned back, roared that he's also a hunter and that he could come and shoot both the dogs and the two of us (the fact that he almost ran over some of the passers-by since he was still driving forward while looking back at our 'threat to the surroundings' dogs is unimportant). He could, he could indeed. Just like I could remove his testicles in many inovative ways, but that doesn't mean it's legal (yeah, I know, I was disappointed too when I found out…).

Anyways, I sometimes think that the more progress we make with technological advances, the more we recede in evolution. But I didn't think that I would experience such a reverse proportion in a single day. And I'm not going to bed earlier than in a few hours, who knows how will this day end… I only hope that tomorrow I wake up with all my fingers and two opposable thumbs. Since I'm an optimist – type you later!

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