Monday, December 10, 2007

Haaaappy biiirthdaaaaay toooo meeee...

So it has come upon me too. Fully and inevitable. Yep, no kidding, every year I'm a year older than the previous one. Fascinating, don't you think? Well, generally I don't have any problems with different standards, be it racial, beauty, age or something else, but still the other day, in a moment of weakness, I thought a bit and said to my special someone, half kidding, half being serious, that when I was a little girl I always dreamed that at this age I would be a pretty, long-legged successful blonde with a bunch of animals around her. Being such a nice guy he said that I got everything perfectly right, and added quietly that I just miscalculated a bit with my legs…

Anywho, I had a very nice day. For a nice beginning the nigger and I went for a walk, then I did a little weight-lifting, after which I went to say hello to Zaja (there was so much rain during the weekend that it wasn't possible to go riding in the woods). And in the evening, a new achievement – my first pizza. And certainly not the last. I left the dough to rise and in the meantime the Black Death and I went to test my B-day present – running pants and a running 'damen flisjacke', so both of us deserved dinner after half an hour of sweating. Sambo had to be satisfied with doggy kibble while I got to try my pizza. It turned out to be great, I'm really proud of myself. It seems that this year's birthday theme is ACTION because while the pizza was cooling I received another portion of presents – a ski cap, a ticket for Krvavec (the nearest ski slope to Ljubljana) and a sport anorak jacket for rainy doggy walks and running adventures. Holy cow, this year I'm gonna get so fit that the 25 maybe won't even catch me! :)

Okay, now off to new adventures, I'm going to our clicking session with Sambo. Over and out.

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