Tuesday, September 4, 2007

UFO (Uncontrolled Flying Object)

As most of my weekends, this one was in doggy style too. On Saturday we went to the first agility trial of the autumn round (which was again more fun than successful, sadly) and on Sunday the Black Death and I participated in a frisbee seminar, organized by an agility friend. The seminar started with some serious warm-up – first we ran around the training field for some 5 min, which was followed by stretching and warm-up exercises. Firstly Jean showed us a few grips and throws, which we then practised in pairs. Then we were showed the next series of throws, practised them in pairs and so on a few more times. I have to say it was very interesting and we learnt a lot of new things. Of course we will definitively have to do quite a bit of practice as some of the throws resembeled an attempt to decapitate the near and not so near surroundings. Anyhow, we had a blast, we learnt a lot of useful things and, of course, Sambo enjoyed our practise together. I hope this wasn't Jean's last effort for us, frisbee fans…

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