As I have already written, Sambo celebrated his birthday on a seaside vacation on the island of Cres again, where we spent a nice week last year. We enjoyed camping, walking by the sea and plundering figs on the half-forgotten paths. Of course we also had our share of the local attraction – sheep. Unlike last year, when we had two or three quick encounters, we met sheep daily this year, sometimes even several times a day. Again, this year Sambo didn't fail his shepherd ancestors; he herded with great pleasure – and great style too ;). So after the first few days our ego grew stronger and we treated ourselves to a good round of herding with a clear conscience and even began looking for opportunities to find sheep so we could have a little fun. And so it happened that we were walking on a deserted path with nearby folds of rocks, common in these areas. Sambo was walking a bit ahead of me and saw the sheep running from the bush first. They played a short match of tag and then Sambo got the sheep into a corner between a bush and a low fold. I thought to myself that this could be a great opportunity to practice recall in difficult situations and without any victims. I called him for the first time and he only gave me a 'can't you see I'm in the middle of something important here' glance. I called him for the second time, this time with a bit more serious voice, and he came to me, of course walking backwards towards me and never leaving his wollen prey out of sight. Happy with the fairly quick reaction I praised him warmly and gave him a treat. He would probably eat the treat gladly any other day of the year, but the newly appointed shepherd thought it was below his dignity to accept a reward for him completing such holy duties. He took the treat out of courtesy and spit it out in exactly a second, eying the sheep carefully thr whole time. I gave him a little pat and let him return to the sheep and bark at her some more. And so for a few more times. He came to me a bit faster each time, obviously figuring out that he wouldn't be left without the sheep… But he didn't let her out of his sight for a second. Oh well, that can count as progress too. After all, it's the only proper and decent way for a shepherd, don't you think? ;)
What do the prettiest ears in Europe do when on vacations? They take care of the coat, of course...
A sunset for me and Sambo
A trip to the island of LoĊĦinj
Sleeping a la Sambo...
My two significant others